Vespa 946 "bunny"
10th anniversary, celebrating the lunar calendar
Vespa 946 "bunny"

Vespa 946 celebrates its 10th anniversary with a limited and numbered edition of 1,000 vehicles which are dedicated to the lunar calendar. A creative breakthrough that starts a collection that, every year and for the next 12, will feature the animal of the year.
A lunar inspiration
A unique version, with a “bunny” peeping out of the bodywork, Â confirm Vespa 946 as a contemporary interpretation of Vespa values. The brand’s classic green is, in fact, reworked to be sparkling.Colour variations
Vespa Classic Green

Jump into the New Year
The all-Italian craftsmanship, from haute couture ateliers, finds its natural expression in this model. The polished finish, the hand stitching  and the dedicated logo make the vehicle a collector’s item.